Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spending Time

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
I often ponder the concept of time. We only know time as having beginning, and end. We were born, at some point in time, and one day its inevitable, our time will run out and we will pass on. So, what to do in the interim? The answer is...ALOT!
Do you ever look at the clock and say "Wow, I just wasted so much time." Sad to say, you wont ever get those moments back. Each of us has been given the same 24 hours in a day. Do you ever wonder why some people get so much done in a day? While for others it seems each day passes faster and faster and nothing off the never ending "to-do" list gets done. I have had experience in both!

So often I have spent my time looking forward to something (we all say it, "I can't wait for this, or that"). While there's no harm in getting excited about our future, there is a reason why it hasn't happened yet. We are to enjoy the present time, the here and now. Dont miss opportunities that God has set before you, even in this very instant. The other day a friend and I were talking about how when your going through something hard, its tempting to take on that attitude of "lets just power through this". But I advise you to not "power through" the situations in your life in which you are given in order to gain wisdom, grow deeper and become stronger. I can look back at my life and name dozens of times in which I just 'powered through', without really letting the situation sink in, and learning all I could from it.
Maybe your in school, hanging on by a thread until you graduate and get the degree, which inevitably secures your future with a career. But as your always looking "forward", you may miss the here and now opportunities. For example, say you have a teacher you can't stand. It's all you can do not to throw tomatoes at him or her in class each day. You and other classmates talk about how much better you would do if you had someone else. But what about that teacher? Maybe they are going through something in their life that is causing their apathy. Would you be brave enough to reach out to them? Now thats not to say that there arent people out there who just shouldnt be doing what they are doing. Thats a different story. But, ask yourself, "what is my role in this situation?". You may find out that its much bigger than you think.

Or maybe your a stay at home mom, feeling like you have no purpose. For the time being your sole purpose is to raise your children. Some day they will be teenagers (yikes!) and one day adults, making decisions that affect their life and those around them. Your short time with them to shape and mold them is crucial.  I see so many kids on a weekly basis that have seen more in their short life than I would wish on anyone. They've been abandoned by their own parents. (Thank goodness for foster homes!) No matter what your family situation is, make the most of it and be thankful!

There are moments when I feel guilty for not being able to stay at home full time to raise my kiddos. I know so many moms that work outside the home to offer a 2nd income to their families. But my time away doesn't compensate our family financially yet (Im not saying that as a complaint, mostly just stating facts!)  I often wonder if they are missing out and will one day resent me for not being at home 24-7. Then I am reminded, that my deepest desire is to show my kids that our lives do not belong to ourselves. We absolutely are called by God to serve those around us. I want to teach them that whatever gift or avenue they choose to explore, they can be used in a mighty way to impact the lives of those around them. Not for their own glory or success, but for the glory of God.

One of my favorite dances we have ever done was to a song entitled "Blink".  The chorus is "It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash, it happens in the time it took to look back..." That song inspired me to remember that my days are numbered. I may live to be 101 years old, or I may live to 52. I dont know, and I dont need to know. All I can do is be thankful for TODAY. I also am thankful that beyond this life, eternity (of which I have no comprehension!) is waiting for me.

We ALL have been given ONE life. ONE body. ONE soul. Our days are numbered, and we are to steward each of those wisely. Not selfishly pursuing things that make us "feel good". But asking ourselves and God what it is that we can do with our life to benefit others.
So today, whether its June 7th, 2012, or some other day, remember that it will only happen once.

Choose wisely and Love deeply.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Need to Breathe

"Just past the circumstance, the first light a second chance
No child could ever dance the way you do
Tear down the prison walls, don't stop the curtain calls
Your chains will never fall until you do

'Cus if you never leave home, never let go
You'll never make it to the great unknown
Till you keep your eyes open my love"  - Keep your Eyes Open by Need to Breathe

We as a human race want to avoid pain and suffering. We want to be happy, safe, and secure. The other day my husband asked me "When is it going to get easier for us?"  My question back was "What if it never does?" For most people, their life being "easy" would equal them being "happy". The 2 go hand in hand according to every model of the convenient life filled with the perfect job, spouse, comfy home, etc. But that is a rarity. 

I heard a quote that I testify is true. "Happiness depends on what happens to you". 
Thats why I believe it is better to have Peace and Joy, than happiness.
For me, my peace and joy have truly come from Jesus. It came out of circumstances that were filled with pain and suffering. But I chose to still have God's peace, and joy, even in the midst of those situations. I've learned in my life, its not what happens to you, its how you react to it.

If my life never got "easier", if I never made $60,000 a year, if I never had my dream house, if I never go back to college and graduate, guess what? I'll still have peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding. Does that mean I settle for being mediocre? Of course not! Quite the opposite actually. My audience is God. Sounds strange coming from someone who is the business of "performing" for audiences. But I've learned that He is truly the only one that matters. When I stand before Him one day, I want Him to say "Well done". So until then, I will stop praying for things to get easier, I will only pray that I can recognize His hand in all my circumstances, and to keep my eyes open in every moment. 

Experience every thing and circumstance that come your way. Be inspired, encouraged and motivated to keep your eyes open, even when everything in you tells you to close them. Know that God sees you, and He's not finihsed with you yet!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Blogger I will Be...

I've always loved reading and writing. Owning a business and raising 2 small children doesn't give way to much "free" time to enjoy these 2 things. But I decided I will make time to write, to read, to inspire and encourage, and invite others to do so as well. This is my blog, a look at life as God's dancer, a wife, mommy, business owner, party planner, and lover of anything PINK.